Wondering which course is most appropriate for you? Try our course roadmap!
Guitar Theory Unlocked (New Course!)
Discover how and why chords, scales, keys, and progressions work together. You'll learn how to use the Nashville Number system for regular, practical tasks like transposing, finding keys, and working with chords and keys.
You will learn how to communicate effectively in musical terms and discover the source of your confidence - regardless of your skill level!
Skill: All levels

Upgrade your musical toolbox with The Rhythm Player's Guide to Picking. Discover the joy of flat picking, hybrid picking, and melodic surge picking. Unlock rhythm versatility, and craft beautiful melodies.
Picking doesn't have to be hard or complicated to sound beautiful; discover how to transform your playing through picking today!
Skill: Experienced Beginner / Intermediate
If soloing feels like hard work for you, then it might be time to take a step back from all the theory, scale patterns, and strategies, and simply focus on making music from the heart.
Box 1 Blues Soloing strips away all the other distractions, choosing to focus on improvising solos with just a single box pattern. Once music pours out of that scale pattern like a waterfall, you will have no trouble applying the same skills to other areas of the fretboard.
Skill: Beginner Soloing / Intermediate

The Rhythm Player's Toolbox for D Major is laser-focused on helping you grow your chord knowledge, thus equipping you to improvise rhythmically all over your fretboard in D Major or B Minor.
You'll discover the depth of slash chords, the versatility of merging chords and scales, and the harmonic joy of using spread triads and interval-based licks.
Skill: Intermediate
Guitar capos are tremendously useful tools for rhythm players! In this course, we'll look at when to use a capo, and of course, dig deep into HOW to use it for maximum benefit!
Learn how to transpose your playing into a different key, accessing "hard" keys with easy-to-use open chords. We'll also look at how to use a capo to change chord voicing, while staying in the same key, which is a fantastic trick to differentiate your playing from what others are doing.
Full Course Details ◆ Buy Now $20

Time to get really practical and have some fun! In this course, we'll learn a complete 12-bar blues solo in the key of A. Not only will we learn the individual riffs used to build the solo, but we'll also learn how those riffs are directly related to the chords in the progression. Understanding these connections will empower you to re-use those riffs in other songs and styles, and to modify them at will so you can use them anywhere you wish.
Skill: Intermediate
It's time to start taking your soloing beyond simply "noodling" through the scale! In this fun and practical course, we'll learn some interesting ways to spice up your rhythm, and we'll also learn five different solos to work with the jam track. In each solo, we'll discuss in detail how the riffs chosen are working together with the chords in the progression to produce a great sound. You'll learn some great riffs, and more importantly, how to apply them elsewhere as well!
Skill: Intermediate

Discover the secrets of creating guitar riffs and solos that are laser-targeted to harmonize perfectly with the chord progression. Learn a completely new approach to working with the fretboard that doesn’t rely upon scale patterns! This course is a nice blend of theory with a heavy dose of practical application where you’ll learn not only numerous written solos developed specifically for four custom jam tracks, but you’ll also learn improvising techniques as well.
Skill: Intermediate
Ontario, Canada
Have you struggled with matching your strums properly to the song? Unlock your creative side through your rhythm guitar playing! Say goodbye to boring strums, and get ready to explore the world of dynamic rhythm as you learn techniques to make the song rise and fall, purely through your rhythm.

This guitar lesson builds on the concepts taught in Unlocking I IV V, and takes them much further into a deeper understanding of scales and how they relate to the fretboard. You will learn how solos come directly from the scales, and how you can play a scale or solo in any position you want on the fretboard. Specific scale patterns are demonstrated in close-up detail and taught in a way that will truly make your fretboard come alive in your hands.
My guitar playing really has drastically changed. I can do an improv solo to just about any song my friends are playing now. I never thought I would be able to do that. My only thing now is trying to get faster, but I guess that will come in time.
Florida, USA
Full Course Details ◆ Read Testimonials ◆ Buy Now $50
Feel intimidated by bar chords? There’s no need! In this course, you’ll learn how to play bar chords from the ground up, including tricks to ease you into them slowly, as well as finger exercises to increase strength & dexterity. Knowing how to play bar chords really opens up the fretboard for the rhythm player!
United Kingdom
Full Course Details ◆ Read Testimonials ◆ Buy Now $40
Want to take your rhythm playing to the next level? Covering everything from strumming techniques, flat picking, hybrid picking, chord theory, slipping riffs in between rhythms, and many more advanced strumming techniques, this course will truly bring your rhythm playing a big step forward.
Make your rhythm playing so interesting, you won't even need a solo!
Ontario, Canada

This collection of 30 high quality blues backing tracks will seriously spice up your practice time! Playing over jam tracks is an excellent way to develop your ear as you learn to listen to the music and fit your own playing into it. Timing, fluidity and speed all improve as a result. This is a great way to work over new riffs you’re learning, or simply to practice your scales! 45 minute bonus lesson included.
Since purchasing your 30 Blues Jam Tracks & videos, I started working with them and things are starting to make sense now. I like them so much, when I came down here to Mexico on vacation, I brought the tracks with and purchased a new guitar & amp to practice with. I look forward to purchasing more tracks when you get them finished.
British Columbia, Canada

This second collection of 30 blues backing tracks is completely different from the first volume. These ones have a more 'live' feel to them, reminiscent of what it might be like to play with a blues band in a small club.
You'll find shuffles, swings, boogies and more in this collection, across a range of keys and tempos. Grab your guitar and get ready to solo!
This collection of 30 high quality rock backing tracks will seriously spice up your practice time! Playing over jam tracks is an excellent way to develop your ear as you learn to listen to the music and fit your own playing into it. Timing, fluidity and speed all improve as a result. This is a great way to work over new riffs you’re learning, or simply to practice your scales! 100 minute bonus lesson included.
Do you ever wish you had just a few more guitar riffs up your sleeve? This short course covers a handful of cool riffs that work great with open-chord rhythm playing, all in the fabulous key of G major!
Bass players – prepare to play like never before! Decoding the Bass Guitar takes the concepts that are covered in Unlocking I IV V and Guitar Scale Patterns, and applies them specifically to the bass guitar. You will learn how you can efficiently cover the entire fretboard using only two scale patterns, and furthermore you will learn how you can use the intervals in the scale to create riffs and fills like never before!
I really dig the course. The info has helped so much just the few times I have watched it. I really wish this was available 20 years ago! My son has started to learn the bass and I am giving this to him. I do recommend this lesson for everyone and is a MUST HAVE for those just starting out.
The more you watch it the clearer and clearer the fret board becomes.
Having the ability to reach out and email any questions is such big bonus. GREAT Work.
Amateur Musician... but getting BETTER!

Wondering which course is most appropriate for you? Try our course roadmap!