Unleash Your Inner Blues Guitarist With 30 Incredible Jam Tracks!
One of the most important steps in my progress as a guitar player has been having the opportunity to play along with others, in a live band situation. There’s nothing quite like the live dynamic. However, I don’t usually get more than one or two opportunities a week to “play with the guys” – so what happens in the meantime?
Over the years I’ve come to rely on practicing with jam tracks to improve my chops on my own, without having to get the guys together for another jam session!
Jam tracks have been my own secret practice weapon, and now I’m about to open up my arsenal and share them with you too!
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you want to learn how to improvise on your guitar?
- Do you ever feel frustrated by not having anyone to practice with regularly?
- Have you wasted money on guitar lessons that taught you hardly anything?
- Are you sick of cheezy midi backing tracks that sound like the ice cream truck?
- Have you ever struggled with ‘stage fright’ when about to play in front of others?
- Do you have trouble turning a scale into a solo?
- Are you practicing... but not seeing much development in your playing?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you're in precisely the right place, at the right time.
The Most Effective Method Of Practicing
Any professional of any kind of skill will tell you that if you want to be good, you need to practice over and over again… but not just any kind of practice. You need to practice as you would do it live. That means you can’t just throw a basketball around, you need to actually shoot for the hoop, from places you’ll be shooting during a game!
Well, same goes on the guitar. Practicing riffs is great, but if you truly want to master the riffs, you need to learn how to fit them into a song, or a solo. Therefore, you need to practice them in a solo. Otherwise, when the time comes to play your riff, it will be difficult to line it up properly, and it may end up falling flat.
No one wants that to happen!
There Are Two Ways Of Learning...
Some people like to learn things from a book, and I know that a LOT of guitar teachers teach out of books. That’s great… up until a certain point.
Because the other way of learning is by DOING, and at some point, even book learning has to get to the DOING stage.
The beauty of having a collection of blues guitar backing tracks at your fingertips is that you can immediately get to the doing part, no matter what level you’re at as a guitar player! That makes these blues tracks the ultimate companion to any guitar lessons you’ve already got under your belt, or that you might choose to take in the future.
Even If You Sound So Bad Your Momma
Cries When You Play!
How would you like to practice for an audience that never talks back when you hit wrong notes! No sideways glances or disguised chuckles when you royally goof up…
These backing tracks will be your rock solid band, that keep on playing over and over again until you get that riff down the way you want it to sound! And it doesn’t matter if it takes you 5 tries or 500! This band won’t complain, and it will be ready to play at any hour of the day or night.
They say that an expert is simply someone who has made as many mistakes as possible in his field. Well, these backing tracks give you the absolute freedom to make as many mistakes as you need to in order to learn how to do it right!
For your mom’s sake though, I recommend using headphones where necessary.
The Soloing Secret
Every Guitar Player Should Know
What do you think makes the best guitar players truly great? Is it being able to play with blinding speed? Is it having the best gear, or being able to get the best tone out of their guitar and amp? Having a good band behind them?
Nope. Those are all important, for sure, but they won’t make one great.

The secret of the greatest guitar players of all time is truly feeling the music. Being able to play something that meshes perfectly with the song and enhances the melody and direction of the song. It might be only a few notes, but if they’re played with emotion, those will be the most important notes in the song. Think of BB King, one of the great blues guitar players… and yet many of his solos were very simple!
So if you’re not a shredder, don’t worry, there’s still hope for you! I’d rather you learn how to play a half dozen notes with feeling than be able to fit hundreds into a couple bars with no sense of how they fit.
Jimi Hendrix once said that “Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel” and he was right! Most of your practice should be on the feeling part of playing the guitar, but how do you do that by just playing some scales?
The single best way to develop that sense of feeling a song is by practice… with a song! This isn’t something you develop by practicing without any accompaniment! You have to start learning how to hear the drums, the bass, the rest of the band, and start meshing your own playing into the overall picture that is being painted by that song.
The good news it that by practicing with these backing tracks, you’re going to notice a huge improvement in your playing and confidence when you have opportunity to play with others as well. The skill of listening to the song and matching your solo to the chords the band is playing is one that will serve you just as well in other situations. These tracks will help you hone your overall guitar skills – not just teach you a few new songs!
"You Have Unleashed The Beast!"
G'day Jonathan!!! It's like I inherited a marathon!!!
My desire has always been to play 12 Bar Blues. I am 65 years old and have been struggling for 40 years to get something happening. I used to go everywhere with my trusty axe, and would proclaim loudly that I would play my 4 songs and go home.
No one would show me anything other than a shredding at supersonic speed. They'd just say - do that, and you'll be alright! As if.
With your jam tracks I have the best band ever - don't have to pay 'em just PLAY 'em. Retro Bad Boy is my favourite. That epitomizes my dream of Basic Blues - no ifs and or butts. I use Song Surgeon and have it in heaps of keys and tempos. Magic.
Thanx!!! You have unleashed the Beast!!!
Mad Merlin

The Soloing Secret
Every Guitar Player Should Know
"But what if I don't even LIKE the blues!"
Fair enough, everyone has their own musical tastes and preferences, and that's cool. But did you know that the blues is the foundation of nearly all the modern genres of music that we enjoy today? Rock, pop, country, R&B, gospel, and yes, even metal all trace their roots back to the blues, plus a whole bunch of other genres that I don't even have room to list here! Because the blues has influenced modern music to such a great degree, by learning to solo over the blues, you'll be very easily able to move across into any genre that you wish.
Further to that, in general blues songs are fairly simple in both rhythm and chords, making the blues one of the easiest and most intuitive styles of music to learn to improvise with. Keith Richards once famously said:
"If you don't know the blues... there's no point in picking up the guitar and playing rock and roll or any other form of popular music."
These Blues Guitar Backing Tracks are ideal for you:
- Whether or not you play in a band
- Whether or not you are a complete beginner, or a professional player
- Whether or not you like the blues
- Whether or not you want to 'go pro' or just have some fun in your basement
"The Hard Part Will Be Shutting It Down!"
The tracks are great and they sure beat trying to pull together your music buddies to play so YOU can practice…!
I have a Custom Shop ’54 reissue Strat and have had it for 12 years. Having several guitars, I haven’t played this one as much, until now. Great blues tone (all 5 springs) and being able to play against pro tracks like these is really fun, not to mention how much better I am playing in all aspects. I’m pushing 60 and have played since I was 13… 10+ years of it for money, so when I say these are very well done and worth it, I think I know what I am saying.
Just throw it in and play. The hard part will be shutting it down… really!
Mark Dahms
South Carolina, USA
High Quality, Full Arrangement
Backing Tracks
If you've downloaded some of the free backing tracks that are available on the net, you might have been drastically disappointed by their quality... I know, I've downloaded many in my own search for the ultimate collection of backing tracks for my own practicing purposes!
I've downloaded dozens tracks only to find they were the same old cheezy midi tracks that someone made on a synthesizer... some of them even reminded me of the songs the ice cream truck plays! (Those REALLY get my dog howling by the way)
This collection of 30 blues tracks truly sound like you're playing with a band... and probably the best way to demonstrate what I mean is if you have a listen to the tracks themselves! Below, you'll find audio clips from the first 20 seconds of each jam track.

All kinds of different styles, keys, and tempos are covered!
Slow blues, fast blues, acoustic blues, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, BB King, Eric Clapton, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, and more!
"A Real Pleasure To Jam With"
If you have tried most jam tracks (like me) you know that they can be boring, poorly produced, and uninspiring.
Well, this is NOT like that!
These tracks are interesting, very well produced and a real pleasure to jam with. The entire package including the lesson on minor pentatonics is top notch stuff.
Russ Brown
California, USA
Don't Have A Clue How To Solo?
No Problem!
The beauty of using jam tracks for practicing is that there's absolutely no penalty for screwing up. This really creates a unique practice environment where you're completely willing to be wild and crazy in the hope that maybe it's going to sound great! Most of the time it doesn't, but you know what? Sometimes it does! And that's how you get better.
So if you don't know how to put two notes together to solo, don't worry, because I've got you covered there as well. Along with these 30 high quality jam tracks, I'm including a bonus guitar lesson teaching you the basics of how you can get started soloing.
For starters, I'll teach you the pentatonic minor scale - the most universal scale you're ever going to find on the guitar. Then I'll teach you how you can use that exact same scale pattern with ALL 30 jam tracks! To round things off, I'll teach you a handful of riffs that you can use in every single key, and modify to your hearts' content.
Improvising isn't that hard, and it can be a lot of fun. A lot of guitar players get stuck learning solos note by note, and in the process they miss the joy of creating something new of their own.
Jimi Hendrix once said "I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes!"
"I Would Not Have Developed Near As Fast Without This"
Hey Jonathan. I am enjoying the jam tracks immensely. I really don't have a particular one that I prefer. However, each track has been invaluable in that it helps me stay in the groove and develop an inner sense of timing that otherwise would not have developed near as fast if at all without this aid.
Cannot say enough about them. I would and do recommend them to anyone.I've experienced first hand how your playing improves more than you can imagine.Thanks for a great tool.
Jerry Glim
Chicago, Illinois, USA
The Ultimate Stress Relief
Has life at work got you all wound up? Ever come home feeling so tense it's hard to even relax?
I've talked to a lot of people that tell me playing guitar is the best form of stress relief they've found - and on top of that, being able to tune out the world, jack up some quality jam tracks, and just pour out your emotions into a guitar solo can be quite refreshing!

What's Included
The core of this package is 30 high quality blues jam tracks, however I didn't stop there! You'll also get a bonus lesson that I put together specifically for this package. It's a 47 minute guitar lesson designed specifically to get you started soloing over every single one of these jam tracks.
The bonus lesson covers:
- The most universally used scale for soloing: the pentatonic minor (up close, and easy to see!)
- A super-fun modification of the pentatonic minor scale giving you more notes to use.
- 11 cool blues riff ideas, demonstrated zoomed in and walked through in detail.
- How to modify and use these riffs over all 30 of the jam tracks.
Ready To Get Your Jam On?
If you're ready to experience jamming on the guitar like never before, increase your motivation and desire to play, and watch your abilities grow, then simply choose one of the two options below! Either way, you can start jamming immediately inside the member's area.
Let's Get Started!
Make your guitar playing more interesting, dynamic, and musical!
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
All Prices are in USD
Let's work together to take your guitar playing to new levels that you never dreamed possible!
To Your Success,

PS. These 30 Blues Jam Tracks are one of the most enjoyable and fun ways to practice guitar. Playing along with these tracks will not only improve your ability to improvise and solo, but you'll find your sense of "feeling" the song improves as well!
PS. I completely guarantee that you'll thoroughly enjoy jamming with the "30 Blues Jam Tracks" - if not, you're protected by my 100% "No Weasel Clauses" 60-Day GUARANTEE.
"I can now play lead with some confidence"
I started with the improvising lesson and that finally clicked for me. Learning some scales and having the jam tracks was the answer.
Your method of teaching works for me!
I spend hours playing the blues tracks and finding my way around the fingerboard. I have been playing for fun most of my life and was never able to play lead. Even though I don't read music, I can now play some lead with some confidence. I have a new found desire to learn more!
I am 54 and had given up until I found your site.
Thank you Jonathan.
Roger Rose
Virginia, USA