Tag Archives for " Guitar Scale Patterns "

Moving Guitar Scales

Moving Guitar Scales

A question I get asked somewhat often is how do I move guitar scale patterns around on the fretboard?

Well, hopefully this video will answer those questions. We’re working with the pentatonic minor scale pattern

The basic idea is recognizing which note in the scale pattern is your root note, and then to understand how when you shift the entire pattern to a different root note, that whole scale changes into a different key.

If you’d like to download the worksheet I used in the video, you can do so here. (Right click on the link, and select save target as)

Memorize Your Fretboard 200% Faster

The octave is one of the simpler patterns you’ll find on the fretboard, but it is nevertheless incredibly handy in helping figure out specific note names. I use it all the time.

When you’ve got this pattern stuck in your brain, it saves you the need to memorize all of the notes on the fretboard, which, to be honest, is a fair amount of memorization.

Why not take advantage of the pattern, and do less than half the work?

As you’ll see in this short video, that’s very possible.

The octave pattern is just one of the many patterns that I teach in the full Guitar Scale Patterns lesson. In that lesson you’ll learn how the entire fretboard is covered in patterns, and how you can use those patterns to speed up your guitar playing, and reduce the brainpower needed to create licks and solos! Playing by pattern is much easier than reading music!

Questions? Comments? Leave one below….

Click Here For The Guitar Scale Patterns Lesson

Fretboard in the Key of E (Cheat Sheet)

Fretboard-in-EAs promised, here is the download link to the cheat sheet that has all the notes in the key of E.

As you can see, there are four different scale patterns shown in boxes. E major is shown both in open position as well as at the 12th fret in the standard box shape.

In orange you will see all of the E’s marked on the fretboard. Pay close attention, because this is an important pattern (the octave).

Download the Cheat Sheet

(Right click on the link above and select ‘Save Target As’)

Basically, each box represents a spot where you can play the scale in the key of E. These are all diatonic – not pentatonic. I’ll explain the difference there in another post.

Click Here For The
Guitar Scale Patterns Lesson



If you’re just getting started with guitar scales, its quite possible this cheat sheet might be a bit over your head. I go into quite a bit of detail on the patterns on this sheet, as well as many more in the Guitar Scale Patterns lesson. It is over 2 hours of video, going into detail on the different patterns that are on the guitar fretboard – why they’re there, how to find them, and most importantly, how to use them.

Click Here For The
Guitar Scale Patterns Lesson